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While we wait for the lawyer to do her lawyering and the surveyor to do his surveyering, our thoughts turn to how we are going to build the new school.

We have some cash left over — never enough — but the main concern is getting all the building materials down the appalling road to Irovo, then up the little footpath to the piece of land.

With perfect timing, Vitalis asks, ‘Have you seen my bricks?’

After another one of Robina’s chicken-and-rice meals, we go out to what was the family kitchen, in a separate building across the way. Vitalis opens the door wearing a grin the width of Victoria Falls.

‘Six thousand I have. I made every one. I knew that one day I would need them but I did not know when. The day has come.’

‘You’re a man of many talents,’ says Olive with typical understatement.